CaRee Cherry

Packaging & Mockups

App & Web Mockups | Packaging Mockups & Labels


Osteo-Endurance Supplements Packaging Mockup 2022 | Client: Sun Valley Nutraceuticals | DBA: Cherry Kiss Designs, LLC | Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dimension

A long-term client of Cherry Kiss Designs LLC, was in need of packaging for their latest joint pain supplement. Upon receiving the template for the box, I was tasked solely with the creation of the design as well as the mockup of the finished product. This product in this current design is currently sold in many stores nationwide.

Menorryl and Men’s Health Plus Bottle Packaging Mockup and Label Design 2022 | Client: Sun Valley Nutraceuticals | DBA: Cherry Kiss Designs, LLC | Software: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

The client requested “feminine” and “masculine” label designs for their new hormone support supplement lines. After immediately approving the designs, I was tasked with solely rendering the packaging mockups.

[Name Withheld] Pride Meeting Screen Display 2023 (PowerPoint)
5 Minute Soccer Coach App Mockup 2021 (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Sun City Pet Market Web Banner 2017 (Photoshop)